If you are a mom to a graduating high school senior guy in Edmond or the greater OKC area, I bet you need some help coordinating outfits for your son’s senior pictures. As an Oklahoma senior photographer for several years now, I have come up with some tips and tricks to helping your son look […]
Class of 2022 Senior Boys: I know those thoughts running through your heads right before your senior session. “What the heck should I wear?” “What if I have a huge blemish the day of my session?” “What do I need to bring?” “Do brown shoes go with a black belt?” That’s why I strive to […]
The biggest question I get from both senior girls and senior guy mom’s (let’s be honest, the guys don’t usually care as much!) is What Should I Wear For My Senior Photos? Here are my top tips for What Senior Guys Should Wear For Their Senior Pictures: The Casual Look jeans with a button up […]
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