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How To Add Variety To Your Senior Portrait Session | OKC Senior Photography

March 24, 2021

*SENIORS* This one’s for YOU! Want to learn some quick ways to add variety to YOUR senior session?

#1 OUTFITS: make sure your outfits are different in color, style, and structure! Neutrals with a pop of color, pastels, little black dress with statement shoes, skirts, jeans, tanks…So many options for variety just in your clothing choices! Look at all the variety Sydney had in her clothing choices. Long dresses, short dresses, jeans, yellows, reds, blues, whites…Are you needing some more help with What To Wear?

#2 MAKEUP & HAIR: change up your makeup and hair between looks to keep your style fresh and different! Pull those beautiful beachy curls up into a high bun, add a braid, change up your lip color! Emerson’s whole looked changed, just by pulling her hair up for one outfit.

#3 POSING: make sure your pose matches the feel of your outfit. Keep more dominant posing for boss babe looks and fun & flirty posing for softer outfits!

#4 EXPRESSION: change up your expressions between shots to round out your overall variety between images. Use soft smiles, big laughs, and no smile/serious faces to really change the vibe of an image.

#5 LIGHTING: mix it up between natural light and artificial light (strobes, constant, etc) for the ultimate variety in looks! Check out the different looks we captured for Brooke during her senior pictures by changing the light source! Indoor/studio lights, all natural light on location, and off camera flash at sunset to capture her and the beautiful Oklahoma sunset!

All Natural Light | Off Camera Flash | In-Studio Light

Want the most out of your senior session? Book with Brandi Price Photography! I’d love to get you scheduled and prepped for your senior pictures!

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Best Locations for Senior Pictures in Oklahoma City

Senior photographer Brandi Price Photography is now booking beautiful Senior Portrait Sessions for the Class of 2021 (spring sessions) and Class of 2022 (summer and fall sessions) in and around the Oklahoma City area.

Email me at brandi@brandipricephotography.com or call me at 405-255-4757 to discuss and book your amazing senior session today!

I would absolutely LOVE to photograph YOU for your senior portraits!

  1. Jodi Major says:

    Wonderful tips on how to add variety to your senior portrait session. I love that she simply pulled her hair and had a beautiful new look!

  2. Brandi, this is amazing information that every high school senior should be reading! It’s so important to change things up so you get a variety of gorgeous pictures, as you have clearly done for these seniors! Beautiful work!

    • Brandi Price says:

      Thank you so much Michelle! I love that there are so many simple ways to add variety during a senior photo shoot!

  3. This is fantastic! SO many things that take very little effort and make such a huge difference! Great post!! XOXOX

  4. scott a. miller says:

    Great advice and a couple things most wouldn’t think about.

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Oklahoma City, OK









Brandi Price

Brandi Price Photography is located in Oklahoma City. Brandi Price is a Premier Senior Photographer, specializing in custom, unique Senior Portraits. Brandi Price is a Professional Photographer that serves Oklahoma City, Edmond, Moore, Norman, and surrounding areas.